Bedfordshire African & Caribbean Network (BACN) is an informal, unincorporated network of interested people who live or work in the county of Bedfordshire, focused on supporting the African and Caribbean community in the county.
We have found that during times of crisis such as the Coronavirus public health emergency, the communities most affected are often the least likely to take up or engage with the support services available due to various reasons. The African and Caribbean community falls into this category.
Bedfordshire African & Caribbean Network (BACN) aims to help address some of these gaps, especially during this time when communities are dealing with the Coronavirus pandemic.
The aims of the group are to:
identify specific issues affecting the community in Bedfordshire as a result of the Coronavirus.
determine local resources already available for addressing these issues and signpost where available.
share relevant, locally specific information and solutions that can benefit people of the network as individuals, families and/or organisations while also strengthening the connection between the African and Caribbean community in Bedfordshire.
Outside of the remit of the network include the following:
Politics or supporting a political cause.
Issues not relating directly to Coronavirus.
Issues not covering the area of Bedfordshire i.e the three local authority areas of Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Luton Borough Councils.
Fundraising, lobbying and/or campaigning.
Advertising a product, providing medical or financial advice, and speculating on possible causes/cures of the Coronavirus.
Creating a new organisation, service or provision.
Replacing or duplicating Members of Parliament or Councillors' work.
©2020 Bedfordshire African & Caribbean Network. Proudly created with Wix.com